Lawn Insect Control

ChinchbugChinch Bugs

* Small insects (adults are 1/5″ of an inch) that are black and white in color.

* They feed by sucking juices from the leaves and stems of the turf-grass which will cause the turf-grass to wilt and discolor. * The turf will appear patchy and turn yellow and then brown over time. Damage will be heaviest in sunny areas, so it can be mistaken for drought stress.


whitegrubWhite Grubs

* White grubs are the larvae of scarab beetles.

* These larvae have C-shaped bodies that are cream colored. They have a reddish-brown head capsule and three pair of legs.




Sod Webworms

* Sod webworms are usually recognized by most as caterpillars since that is the turf-damaging stage.

* The caterpillars are gray to tan with a brown head and dark spots on the body. The adults are buff-colored moths that have snouts projecting forward from the head.

* Sod webworms feed at night and make the grass have bare areas or irregular patches of brown grass.


Spider miteSpider Mites

* Spider mites are not insects, but arachnids. These arthropods are very small with oval bodies. Spider mites can be green, yellow, reddish-brown or black.

* Will cause grass to have a lack of vigor and a pale or silvery discoloration. The leaves of the grass will become yellow and eventually dry out and die.

* You may find fine webbing at the feeding areas on the under surfaces of the grass blades.


Your detailed lawn analysis includes:

  • Green Lawn Care – Assessment of your lawn’s overall health
  • Identification of harmful weeds, insects, or diseases
  • Recommendations for achieving the greenest, thickest and healthiest lawn

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